Personal Allowance

Personal Allowance
professional allowance

I waxed on last week about personal allowance. How I didn’t have all of me till I learned to allow for myself. For years I celebrated others and thought I allowed and made way for myself, but it was a lie. I kept myself small and danced to the beat of other drums. I did this to maintain jobs, friendships, and relationships with family. At great cost to me, I would later learn. All of this falls under the umbrella of personal allowance, or in my case, lack of allowance.

Professional allowance, a silly phrase I coined, is everything outside of that. It’s the crazy president of the moment that we can’t allow for. It’s the co-worker we gossip about. It’s the monetary system we know is “wrong” but somehow we’re living within the confines of it. Basically, it’s everything we complain about that we have no control over.

I had a client a while back who wanted more information about an offer I had. As our email correspondence grew I got the sense that she was looking to make the “right” decision. Where had I been schooled? To whom or what system or lineage was I from? My gut told me that she was paralyzed by identity politics and wanted to ensure her further education fit her worldview of rightness and wrongness. Oy. 

Needless to say, I disappointed her without regret.

And herein lies the challenge. Can you co-exist within a system that you disagree with? Or will you use it to bludgeon and distract yourself and never allow your creations to bear fruit because the environment is unfriendly? That is the rub.

Can I throw you a line?

Please consider:

  • That everything you rail about isn’t your reality, nor your creation, and furthermore, you can’t fix this reality (trust me, I’ve tried). 

  • That you are here to create a different reality and we’re all depending on you, so get craken’!

  • That you can’t save anyone or anything, but yourself. Really, you can’t, so please stop trying and just save yourself, k?

It was only when I got that this isn’t my reality, did I feel entirely free to betray it. So, I encourage you to do the same. Betray this reality of polarity and division – rightness and wrongness. Be the artist that you are, with reckless abandon. Don’t apologize for your splendor and color. Give it to us, we’re waiting for you, only somewhat patiently.